Wednesday 10 October 2012

Malala, the very name of courage

She is a fourteen year old, but her courage is no less than bulk of a mountain. She hasn't yet seen much of life, but her brain knows exactly what the significance of education is. Her determination is much stronger than any politician who has much more authority than her. It’s ironical to know that when the news of the assault broke out first, many of Pakistanis were finding themselves attuned to her name for the first time. We, Pakistanis, who can make a whole fuss out of a rubbish video, don’t want to know what cruelty is inflicted on an innocent fellow country child. Malala Yousufzai, who kept a diary of the events which she experienced during the Taliban’s notorious rule in Swat Valley aimed to help the children get their basic education. She raised her voice against infidelity, when the very name of school is enough to freak out a child. She is a peace activist at an age when most of the children perhaps don’t even know what a peace activist is.

She was on the hit list of the heartless villains for a long time, but she chose to have it the hard way. And the Taliban, unmanly as they have proved themselves many times before, lived up to their very repute. They tried to pierce her skull, but they had to encounter a never ending courage which retaliated them. Malala, singlehandedly decided to fight the Taliban, while the very name of Taliban puts a restraint in our actions. Some of us are still having a soft corner for them while they are busy brutally murdering innocent humans. Our government has nothing to offer except few words of condemnation like a whole puppet show is being played.

If a fourteen year old can sacrifice her childhoods fantasies and devote her life for something fruitful, why others can’t? If an innocent brain can understand the urgency and criticality of time, why others can’t? If a fragile body can’t take a bullet, why our swollen arrogant bodies can’t?

Malala is fighting for her life in Peshawar Hospital

This is a turning point in Pakistan’s fight against terrorism. If our careless forgetful nation can use their rage in the right direction, the tsunami of its determination can drive the Taliban away rewarding the struggles of the peace activists like Malala.